the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result
When is the last time you set a goal for yourself? Did you set small goals to get to something larger?
Yesterday I started a new daily practice, I made a personal commitment to set a daily goal for thirty days, each one will help me develop in an area of my life I have been struggling with, and each one will move me one step closer to a larger goal. It’s so easy to allow our day to day activities shift our focus from something we want to achieve. Setting small goals and sharing with at least one other person as a way of holding yourself accountable is a set up for success.
When you believe there’s something more for you, perhaps a dream in your heart or a purpose for your life, you understand there’s something required from you to make it happen, whether it’s actions or a different way of thinking.
Create a daily goal that moves you in that direction, don’t discount the small strides, just keep your eye on the prize.